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Hispanic Heritage Month at PagerDuty

by PowerToFly Editorial Team

Originally published on September 15, 2023 on PowerToFly as How companies can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month




Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15 to October 15 in the U.S.

It's celebrated over two calendar months with good reason: it covers the independence anniversaries of several Latin American countries, as well as key celebrations in Hispanic and Latin communities. Apart from commemorating major holidays and historic milestones, this month honors the cultures and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx Americans.

We asked [PagerDuty] what they're doing to honor and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at work this year, and how they're supporting Hispanic and Latinx communities all year round. Here's what they're doing, in their own words:

PagerDuty’s Latine ERG, Dutonienses, hosts our annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebration for all to enjoy! Having recently added a location in Santiago, we're excited to celebrate Chile Independence Day in September. We'll learn about Chilean culture and heritage, dance the cueca (typical Chilean dance) and eat empanadas de pino and empanadas de queso (traditional food for the holiday). Throughout the month, we also plan to have a virtual happy hour, an internal panel, a volunteer event, and a coffee hour to spotlight some great coffees from different Hispanic countries. These activities will allow Dutonienses to meet colleagues connected by their shared roots, and help foster a diverse and inclusive workplace beyond!


Learn more about Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity at PagerDuty in their Annual Report

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